High School Musical 3: Senior Year (2008, Kenny Ortega) - 7.0
It's Senior Year! Zac Efron doesn't know where he's gonna go to college, because he's good at everything and has unlimited options. The other kids have some shit to deal with, too. It was pretty good. I liked that the gay kids went to prom together (Kelsey is totally a lesbian). The music wasn't as catchy as it usually is, though. The best number was easily "The Boys Are Back," but that song doesn't even have anything to do with the plot, which actually kinda makes me like it more. I think the reason I don't really connect with the High School Musical movies is because they are almost too perfectly constructed. I think they're good, but they don't stand out as anything special. My friend Corey (who I saw High School Musical On Ice with) saw this, and afterward he said it was one of the best movies he's ever seen, and we ended up getting into a rather long, very manly and adult argument over which was better, High School Musical 3 or From Justin To Kelly. I like my kid/teen movies to be a little weirder and occasionally uncomfortable. Or, have overwhelmingly charming lead characters, like New York Minute or anything with Lindsay Lohan. HSM's characters are charming, but not overwhelmingly so. There's no comparison, Corey.
10/23/08: 35mm
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