Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Alejandro Januowsky

I had already seen most of Jodorowsky's work, so all I actually watched this month was one feature film (Tusk), one short (La Cravate), and some footage from a performance art piece he did in the 60s (Teatro Sin Fin). I wrote reviews for Fando y Lis and Santa Sangre, which I watched/rewatched (respectively) last year, and punched up my reviews of El Topo and The Holy Mountain from five years ago. I saw The Rainbow Thief a long time ago, and remember hating it, so I didn't bother to revisit it. So, honestly, it wasn't much of a "Januowsky".

I think he's an interesting director, and I can appreciate what he's done with the cinematic formula, but aside from Santa Sangre, I kinda don't like him that much.

1. Santa Sangre (1989)
2. The Holy Mountain (1973)
3. La Cravate (1957)
4. El Topo (1970)
5. Tusk (1980)
6. Fando y Lis (1968)
7. The Rainbow Thief (1990)

Polish posters of Fando y Lis, El Topo, and The Holy Mountain.

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